
Steal This Onboarding Questionnaire!

Steal This Onboarding Questionnaire!

You know how you have a specific customer in mind that you love working with, but the customers you attract don’t really fit the mold? Here’s a very very very VERY simple way to get more of your ideal clients before you have to worry about the sales pitch!

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Podcasting for Business With Wes Grove

Podcasting for Business With Wes Grove

In this episode I interview Westin Grove, a multi-hyphenate creative entrepreneur who is both a trained audio engineer and social worker. He combined his two career streams to create the Mobile Arts Program with his business partner, which brings a music recording studio into different types of assistance facilities all over Toronto.

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How To Write A Killer Services Page

How To Write A Killer Services Page

If you looked at my website last week, you would have wondered what the hell I do and if I could even help you, simply because the path(s) I had created was so overwhelming. I had one going to creatives, one for solopreneurs, one for courses, one for free resources, one for retainer clients – it was a bit of a clusterfuck, not gonna lie.

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How To Relax

How To Relax

Look, it’s really not easy to relax when you’re ambitious and you have so many ideas. There’s just no way that you can justify not working hard on everything! But in order to really move forward, you have to. I know this, I’m learning this, I’m still struggling with this.

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You Need A Clear Mission Statement

You Need A Clear Mission Statement

The easiest way to confuse visitors to your site is to give them 800 different kinds of services and products and resources. I learned this the hard way last week while I was redesigning some pages and cutting out some service offerings, trying to zero in on my customer persona and who I serve.

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Managing Your Multi Hyphen Career

Managing Your Multi Hyphen Career

Why hello there! You might be asking, "Emily, what's a Multi-Hyphen Career?" Well, dear friend, I'm about to blow your mind. A multi-hyphen career is one that incorporates more than one skillset or interest. "MORE THAN ONE?" you ask? YES! MORE THAN ONE! Insane, right?...

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How To Quit Your Job And Start A Creative Career

How To Quit Your Job And Start A Creative Career

Let me just start by saying that to this day, I still have no idea what I'm doing or how I'm going to do it. The thing about building a creative career, or any career, is that most of the time, it's just guessing until you figure something out. Once you've figured the...

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How To Be Motivated

How To Be Motivated

Originally I wanted to write this post about different techniques to keep yourself focused on creative projects, not how to be motivated generally. Obviously the world has done a 180 and we're all just doing our best to motivate ourselves to get out of bed and put...

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How To Start Something New

How To Start Something New

In this episode we talk about a few things that show you how to start something new. Whether it’s a career jump, a relationship, a new hobby, a change in your routine, WHO THE HECK KNOWS?! Well, you do! And I’m going to help you figure out the BEST way to take the...

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3 Simple Steps to Savvy Social!

3 Simple Steps to Savvy Social!

Social media: it can be a giant pain in the ass on a personal level, especially if you’re dealing with complicated relationships, racist aunts, or trying to dodge friend requests from that random you met at your friend’s loft-warming party.  But, when it comes to...

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Discover Your Concentration Superpower!

Discover Your Concentration Superpower!

As someone who runs multiple small businesses, one of my least favourite questions is “Any big plans this weekend?” followed closely by “What are you up to tonight?”  Because the answer is nearly always “Working.” Building up a business means sacrificing a lot of...

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New Changes

This is an example blog to show off the templates that you can choose for your website package. Your website will start with a template like this, and then evolve into a personalized, branded experience that represents your business entirely. Your customers will be...

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Announcing: Our Favourite Apps

Announcing: Our Favourite Apps

This is an example blog to show off the templates that you can choose for your website package. Your website will start with a template like this, and then evolve into a personalized, branded experience that represents your business entirely. Your customers will be...

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Every Entrepreneur Needs These 5 Things

Every Entrepreneur Needs These 5 Things

This is an example blog to show off the templates that you can choose for your website package. Your website will start with a template like this, and then evolve into a personalized, branded experience that represents your business entirely. Your customers will be...

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5 Must-try WordPress Plugins!

5 Must-try WordPress Plugins!

Ahh, WordPress. The entry-level blogging platform that powers countless websites (about 30% of all websites, according to W3Tech). WordPress users range from former Livejournalers to journalists to artists to entrepreneurs to small business owners. The beauty of...

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